Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dumping Grounds

Ask and ye shall recieve. I have been doing nothing with this spot since I staked it out oh so long ago. I meant to write personal stuff here, ruminations, reflections, thoughts and other such things. But as you can see I either don't have the time, or perhaps the energy to think that hard, so this spot has laid fallow.

So my beloved internet friend muse tagged me with a "five things about me" post, and the also dearly beloved Lisa asked for "five more things", which I make no garentee, but I will repost the original and then use this space as a dumping grounds, with no promises of extended use or regular posts.

This will only be of interest to my internet friends, and they should feel free to ask me any questions they wish, and we'll see what kind of answers I may give.


LisaPal said...

Hooray and Oh Happy Day! You've opened the dumping grounds to the public! It's the moment we've been waiting for!

"Guarantees" or "promises of extended use or regular posts" are not necessary. Not at all.

And don't be surprised if the ranks of your "internet friends" grows.

Richard said...

We shall see. I am pretty much expect just the two of you to see this place.